Sting Hire Coach for the Inaugural Season

TOPEKA, KS - The Oklahoma Sting has selected their first team head coach for the 2021 season. Jacque Dean will lead the Sting in the Independent Professional Women's Basketball League.

The multi-sport athlete has played at various levels from amateur competitive league to college into semi-pro ranks. In her 30 years of athletics she has competed in basketball, softball, tennis, track and women's tackle football. Her senior season she lead her high school basketball team to the state championship in 2001.

After high school, Dean had chosen Southwestem Christian University where she competed in basketball and earned a starting spot with Lady Eagles Basketball team. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. In the past 15 years she has coached basketball, baseball, football and soccer and will bring wealth of knowledge to the team.

Dean resides in Kingfisher, Oklahoma with her two children.

"We are super excited to have a coach that has a great background in sports and willing to maximize performance out of the players" said President Shawn Smith.

Oklahoma Sting also has chosen the Independent Professional Women's Basketball League for the 2021 season. IPWBL has teams in Chicago, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, Memphis, Tennessee, Kansas City, Missouri and Georgia and will be starting a team in Houston, Texas.

"IPWBL is a growing league and we are excited to be apart of the growth of the league and the foundation of the league" said Smith

Local tryouts will be held in January and February. More information will be released soon on the tryout location and much more.

Further information you can send the team an email at



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