Enid Business Directory


Are you searching for Enid businesses and services? Find local companies quickly in this Enid Business Directory. Please support the advertisers for supporting Enid Buzz!

This directory page is promoted on the Enid Buzz website/blog, on the Enid Buzz Facebook page, in the Enid Buzz Insider email newsletter and on the Enid Buzz podcast. It also ranks in local Google searches.

Get your business or service listed in the directory for as low as $200 per year. We can add a new category for you if needed. See payment info below.

The payments below are yearly which are lower than monthly. I can also setup monthly or quarterly. Monthly payments would be $20, $35, $75, $100, $150.


Choose which yearly business listing package you would like and make payment. Listings automatically renew yearly. Email your ad and category details to buzz@enidbuzz.com.

1. Standard business listing in one category plus one monthly Enid Businesses Facebook post - $200

2. Standard business listing in two categories plus one monthly Enid Buzz Facebook post - $350

3. Featured business listing in two categories plus two monthly Enid Buzz Facebook posts and one Enid Businesses Facebook post - $750

4. Featured business listing in two categories plus two monthly Enid Buzz Facebook posts and one blog article featuring your business and a feature in one email newsletter - $1000

5. Yearly featured business listing in two categories plus one weekly Enid Buzz Facebook post and monthly blog article/press release. Additional monthly Enid Businesses Facebook page post - $1500

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