Grab lunch or dinner at Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 69°. Partly sunny today, with a high of 65. Windy, with a SSW wind 18 mph becoming NNW 23 mph in the morning. Winds could gust to 40 mph. Mostly cloudy during the early evening, then becoming clear, with a low of 42. NNE wind 13 mph, with gusts to 26 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy High Five Day! It's also Adult Autism Awareness Day, College Student Grief Awareness Day, Get to Know Your Customers Day, Amateur Radio Day, Day for Monuments and Sites, Ask An Atheist Day, D.A.R.E. Day, Lineman Appreciation Day, Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day, Newspaper Columnists' Day, Pet Owners Independence Day, Piñata Day, Poem in your Pocket Day & Take Action for Libraries Day. Foodies enjoy Pizza Cake Day & Animal Crackers Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:53am ~ SUNSET: 8:09pm

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