Grab lunch or dinner at Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 44° this morning. Mostly sunny today, with a high of 62. NE wind 17 mph, with gusts to 28 mph. Partly cloudy tonight, with a low of 38. NNE wind 8 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Sleep Day! It’s also Dumbstruck Day, Everything You Think is Wrong Day, Ides of March, Day Against Police Brutality, Eat an Animal for PETA Day, Brutus Day, Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day, Shoe the World Day, True Confessions Day & Consumer Rights Day. Foodies enjoy Egg Cream Day, Peanut Lovers Day & Pears Hélène Day.
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SUNRISE: 7:41am ~ SUNSET: 7:39pm

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