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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 63°. Mostly cloudy today, with a high of 82. SSE wind 13 mph increasing to 20 mph in the afternoon. Winds could gust to 33 mph. Showers and thunderstorms possible, storms could be severe. Low tonight 59. Windy, with a SSE wind 23 mph, with gusts to 38 mph. Keep an eye on weather updates today.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Income Tax Pay Day! It's also Griper's Day, Anime Day, ASL Day, Boston Marathon Day, Jackie Robinson Day, McDonald's Day, Microvolunteering Day, Laundry Day, Rubber Eraser Day, That Sucks Day, Patriots' Day, Take a Wild Guess Day, Titanic Remembrance Day & World Art Day. Foodies enjoy Glazed Spiral Ham Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:57am ~ SUNSET: 8:06pm

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