Visit Morbid the Haunted Museum

ENID, OK - Morbid is Oklahoma's Premier Haunted Museum. They will be a year-round haunted attraction offering group tours of rare one of a kind morbid, haunted, paranormal items and much more! They are not a Haunted House. No strobe lights, jump scares, or costumes. They are a one of a kind truly Haunted Museum full of mystery and macabre. Join them for the experience of a lifetime where you will have the chance to interact with and possibly summon a real spirit!

Would you like a chance to summon a real spirit and interact with real haunted items/vessels? Morbid the Haunted Museum is presenting you with your chance this Halloween season! Old ghost won't be the only thing haunting the Oakwood Mall in Enid, Oklahoma this year!

Located inside the old Buckle location, you and up to 13 other people will have up to 15 minutes of personal interaction with one of the most active objects of your choosing attempting to contact whatever spirit may be attached! Then take an approximately 40-minute tour through some of the most haunted objects and much more!

Learn the history behind the Mortis Awaken - Bell Dybbuk - Djinn Daemonium Ubaste Spirit Box that has caused severe stress and numerous disturbances to its previous owners and other objects like Emeraldine the haunted doll. This will not be for the faint of heart or for anyone not interested in interacting with real spirits and vessels including serial killers, occult leaders, witches, possible demonic or paranormal activity and more.

Ticket and times will be limited in availability to groups of 14 people at a time for this fantastic but haunting event! The Summoning is indoors and not subject to bad weather. Grab some friends and go summon spirits at the museum.

Morbid is currently located at Oakwood Mall, 4125 W Garriott. This will not be the Museum's permanent location but will be a great space for the upcoming holiday events. Get updated information on their Facebook page at

Visit the museum in October each Thursday-Saturday 6 pm-Midnight. Also open Halloween night 6 pm-??

Tickets are $15.00, Kids 12 & Under are $10.00 and available at the door or online HERE. There are Fast Passes available to avoid any long lines. There are also $5 Ghost Meter rentals at the museum!

Morbid The Haunted Museum is not responsible for any and all occurrences that may happen before, during or after interacting with their objects and vessels!


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