February Facts For Enid

ENID, OK - When we think of February we think of Valentine's Day, Ground Hog Day and Leap Day. But there's much more to the month of February than you may know.

The average temperatures in Enid, Oklahoma for February are a high of 51°F and a low of 28°F. The median cloud cover ranges from 43% (partly cloudy) to 49% (partly cloudy).

Precipitation is most likely around February 29, occurring in 27% of days. Precipitation is least likely around February 5, occurring in 22% of days. The likelihood of snow falling is highest around February 1, occurring in 13% of days.

February typical wind speeds vary from 4 mph to 18 mph (light breeze to fresh breeze), rarely exceeding 27 mph (strong breeze). The wind is most often out of the south (23% of the time) and north (12% of the time). The wind is least often out of the west (2% of the time), south west (2% of the time), east (3% of the time), and north east (4% of the time).

Over the course of February, the length of the day is gradually increasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day increases by 59 minutes, implying an average day-over-day increase of 2.0 minutes.

The shortest day of the month is February 1 with 10:24 hours of daylight; the longest day is February 29 with 11:23 hours of daylight.

The earliest sunrise is at 7:02am on February 29; the latest sunset is at 6:25pm on February 29; the latest sunrise is at 7:33am on February 1; the earliest sunset is at 5:57pm on February 1.

The month of February is the only month that can pass without a full moon, in common years.

February 14 is Valentine’s Day in the United States. Groundhog's Day is February 2. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is February 12 and George Washington’s birthday is February 22.

February also is known as Black History Month, as it is the annual observance month in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom remembering African-American people and events.

Two zodiac signs for February are Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) and Pisces (February 19 - March 20).

February is also an important month for sports fans, as two teams face each other in the Super Bowl on the first Sunday of February.

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