Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 33° this morning. Partly sunny today, gradually becoming sunny, with a high of 51. NNW wind 11 mph, with gusts to 20 mph. Clear tonight, with a low of 29. WNW wind at 6 mph becoming SW after midnight.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Lost Penny Day! It's also Clean Out Your Computer Day, Hug Day, Darwin Day, Epilepsy Day, Lincoln's Birthday, NAACP Day, Football Hangover Day, Freedom to Marry Day, Oglethorpe Day, Paul Bunyan Day, Safety Pup Day & Shrove Monday. Foodies enjoy Plum Pudding Day & Oatmeal Monday.
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SUNRISE: 7:23am ~ SUNSET: 6:09pm

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