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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 63°. Mostly cloudy today, with a high of 80. A good chance of showers and thunderstorms today. Some of the storms could be severe. S wind 21 mph, with gusts to 34 mph. Mostly cloudy tonight, with a low of 57. SSE wind 17 mph, with gusts to 30 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Tell a Story Day! It's also Babe Ruth Day, Bob Wills Day, Eeyore's Birthday, Independent Bookstore Day, Design Day, Marine Mammal Rescue Day, Matanzas Mule Day, Morse Code Day, Day of Puppetry, Devil Dog Day, Go Birding Day, Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Rebuilding Day, Sense of Smell Day, Save the Frogs Day, Healing Day, Tai Chi and Qigong Day, Tapir Day & Veterinary Day. Foodies enjoy Prime Rib Day, Marconi Day & Gummi Bear Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:42am ~ SUNSET: 8:17pm

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