Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 39° this morning. Sunny today, with a high of 75. S wind 10 mph, with gusts to 20 mph. Mostly clear tonight, with a low of 51. S wind 12 mph, with gusts to 20 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Wear Something Gaudy Day! It's also Edge Day, Forgive an Ex Day, Information Overload Awareness Day, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Mulligan Day, Pharmacy Technician Day, Playing Card Collection Day, Pay Back a Friend Day, Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, Spreadsheet Day & World Trauma Day. Foodies enjoy Pasta Day & Four Prunes Day.
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SUNRISE: 7:40am ~ SUNSET: 6:53pm

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