Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 73° this morning. Sunny and hot today, with a high of 105. SW wind 11 mph, with gusts to 21 mph. Clear tonight, with a low of 74. S wind 9 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Break The Monotony Day! It's also Bow Day, Geocaching Day, Homeless Animals' Day, Orangutan Day, Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, Aviation Day, Sandcastle and Sculpture Day, Honey Bee Day, Humanitarian Day & World Photo Day. Foodies enjoy Soft Ice Cream Day, Hot and Spicy Food Day, Potato Day & 'Black Cow' Root Beer Float Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:52am ~ SUNSET: 8:17pm

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