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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 62°. A 30% chance of showers before 7am. Partly sunny today, gradually becoming sunny, with a high of 85. SSW wind 20 mph, with gusts to 34 mph. Mostly clear tonight, with a low of 63. S wind 20 mph, with gusts to 34 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Get Organized Day! It's also Alien Day, Audubon Day, Childcare Professionals Day, Hug a Friend Day, Hug an Australian Day, Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, Dissertation Day, Hairball Awareness Day, Help a Horse Day, Historic Marker Day, Kids and Pets Day, Richter Scale Day, Static Cling Day & Intellectual Property Day. Foodies enjoy Pretzel Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:43am ~ SUNSET: 8:15pm

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