Jerry Lee Kunkel

57c60294571d4Jerry Lee Kunkel, a native of Enid, Oklahoma, began his business career with WKY Radio and Television in Oklahoma City. He was later vice-president and general manager of television and radio stations in Indiana, New York and the South. These stations were owned by companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and that's where Kunkel began to take an interest in investments and the market. Active in civic affairs, his involvements include founding a Better Business Bureau Chapter, board member of several chambers of commerce and national campaign finance committee member of a U.S. Presidential Candidate. Kunkle's personal interests included fitness, movies, college football and working on a "mediocre" left handed golf game. He taught management, marketing and finance at several universities, and was active in his church. Jerry graduated from Indiana University where his daughter, Sherri, also graduated. His son, Brad, graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and is an airline pilot.

There's still time to send flowers to the Memorial Service at the St. Matthews Episcopal Church at 4:00 PM on September 8, 2016. Services by Amy Stittsworth Funeral Services.


Enid Oklahoma Business
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