
Bushido } Annual Men's Event This Saturday

Saturday, July 25, 12-8pm

EXPO Center – 111 W. Purdue Ave Enid, OK 73701

Enid Bushido

Car Show, Boxing exhibition, Karate demonstration, Arm Wrestling tournament, Mechanical BULL, a world record attempt, and more!
Matt Dopson will be the featured speaker. He played football for University of Florida, the Atlanta Falcons, and speaks in over 200 high school assemblies every year! He owns the world record for breaking 19 baseball bats in 1 minute! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS HIM (and his awesome wife Chrisy).
PRE-REGISTER NOW to reserve your spot & see the schedule at... http://bushidomen.tv
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WHY DO WE DO THIS THING called "BUSHIDO" Every year?

Because men struggle with Pride, Intimacy, Honor, Respect, Personal Goals, Fear, Resolving Conflict, Addictions, Self worth, or Defining their Purpose. The List goes on and on…
In every man’s life, there is a cause worth fighting for and a victory worth claiming. What is yours? Discover how to not only prepare for the battles ahead, but more importantly, how to emerge victoriously. It’s time to stop playing the passive role and instead live as The Warrior.
For years, much of society has taught men how to be “nice guys” (passive and without convictions) when they have really been called to be Warriors. We must learn to face our personal issues in life. During BUSHIDO, men can learn how to prepare and win every battle that must be fought.
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