Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 55° this morning. Partly sunny today, gradually becoming sunny, with a high of 65. Windy, with a NW wind 26 mph, with gusts to 45 mph. Clear tonight, with a low of 42. NNW wind 17 mph, with gusts to 31 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Train Your Brain Day! It's also English Language Day, Good Samaritan Day, Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, Day for Failure, Plain Language Day, Suit Up Day, Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day, Haunted House Day, No Bra Day, Silly Sayings Day, The US Navy's Birthday, Treat Yo' Self Day & Vet Nurse Day. Foodies enjoy M&M Day, Yorkshire Pudding Day & Egg Day.
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SUNRISE: 7:37am ~ SUNSET: 6:58pm

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