Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 52° this morning. Mostly sunny today, with a high of 82. SE wind 9 mph increasing to 19 mph in the afternoon with gusts to 31 mph. Partly cloudy tonight, with a low of 68. SE wind 19 mph, with gusts to 30 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Today is the Kentucky Derby. It's also Astronomy Day, Beer Pong Day, Birthmother's Day, Bladder Cancer Awareness Day, Brunch for Lunch Day, Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, Free Comic Book Day, HerbDay, Drone Day, Join Hands Day, Martin Z. Mollusk Day, Mother Ocean Day, Auctioneers Day, Babysitter's Day, Barrier Awareness Day, Cosmopolitan Day, Scrapbooking Day, Start Seeing Monarchs Day, Tourism Day, Paste Up Day, Pilates Day, Wildfire Community Preparedness Day & Labyrinth Day. Foodies and Drinkies enjoy Roast Leg of Lamb Day & Homebrew Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:32am ~ SUNSET: 8:25pm
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