Grab lunch or dinner at Land Run Steakhouse or Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: -2° this morning. Sunny today, with a high of 23. Wind chill values to -15. WNW wind 8 mph becoming SSW in the afternoon. Clear tonight, with a low of 16. SSW wind 10 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Nothing Day! It’s also Appreciate a Dragon Day, Book Publishers Day, Good Teen Day, Without a Scalpel Day, Printing Ink Day, Prohibition Remembrance Day, Psychiatric Technician's Day, Religious Freedom Day & Rid the World of Fad Diet and Gimmicks Day. Foodies enjoy Hot and Spicy Food Day, Fig Newton Day& Quinoa Day.
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SUNRISE: 7:42am ~ SUNSET: 5:41pm

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