Enid Garage Sales

Enid Buzz Classifieds Have Moved!
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Welcome to the OLD Enid Buzz Classified Directory.
The popularity of Enid Buzz and our classifieds has grown so much we had to move them to their own website!! We are determined to create the most popular classifieds listing spot online or on mobile! All ads are currently free and you have the freedom to upload them yourself and change copy any time you like. No more waiting on someone else to get them posted!!
Not only do ads you list at EnidAds.com show up on that website but they also appear on our popular mobile app which is with people wherever they go! We also push traffic from our very popular Facebook page to the Enid Buzz free classified website.
Garage Sale and Autos For Sale are FREE! List lost or found pets, announcements, reunions, fundraisers or just an opinion about something bugging you! Those listings are all free!
Everything is also easier to find on the new Classifieds Website. We have categories for the most popular subjects and we have a great search feature. Here are some of our new categories:


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