Grab lunch or dinner at Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 58°. Partly sunny today, gradually becoming sunny, with a high of 82. Windy, with a WSW wind 20 mph, with gusts to 38 mph. Mostly clear tonight, with a low of 50. WNW wind 11 mph, with gusts to 23 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day! It's also Foursquare Day, Bean Counters' Day, Healthcare Decisions Day, Librarian Day, Library Workers Day, Orchid Day, Stress Awareness Day, Save The Elephant Day, Teach Your Daughter to Volunteer Day & Semicolon Day. Foodies enjoy Free Cone Day, Eggs Benedict Day & Day of the Mushroom.
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SUNRISE: 6:56am ~ SUNSET: 8:07pm

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